Shawn Thiele

Shawn ThieleAssociate Director; Flour Milling and Grain Processing Curriculum Manager

102 IGP Building
1980 Kimball Avenue
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas 66506-7000

785-532-6080 fax


B.S. Milling Science and Management, Kansas State University, 2005

Bio Brief

As the Flour Milling and Grain Processing Curriculum Manager, Shawn teaches the core milling and processing courses at the IGP Institute, as well as develop and present workshops, courses, distance education courses, and other technical outreach programs to enhance the market promotion, consumption and utilization of U.S. cereal grains, oilseeds and their value-added products for the global grain and feed industry.

Shawn has worked in the milling industry for 11 years. He spent the last four years working as the Milling Operations Manager at the KSU Hal Ross Flour Mill in Manhattan, Kansas. Prior to his time at Kansas State, he worked seven years at Quaker Oats in Cedar Rapids, Iowa as Oat and Corn Mill Front Line Leader, Milling Bulk and Elevators Process Improvement Engineer and Assistant Manager of Milling Operations.