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  4. »Sixth Annual Heat Treatment Workshop

Subramanyam Lab

Heat Treatment Workshop'09 Pictures/Presentations/Feedback

Workshop PicturesFeedback

Day 1: Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Session I. Update on methyl bromide and alternatives
Welcome and Introduction (PDF)Ernest Minton
Keynote address: Methyl bromide and alternatives: A global view (PDF)Michelle Marcotte
Methyl bromide and alternatives: A US food industry perspective (PDF)Jim Bair
Methyl bromide update (PDF)David McAllister
Sulfuryl fluoride update (PDF)Bob Williams
Update on residuals and aerosols in structures (PDF)Frank Arthur

Day 2: Thursday, May 14, 2009

Session II. Heat treatment: history, safety, and uses

Multi-institutional methyl bromide and alternatives research project (PDF)

Wat Chayaprasert/Michael Langemeier

Propane: history and uses (PDF)

John Emmitte

Heat treatment and safety precautions (PDF)

Mitch Ricketts

The art and science of heat treatment (PDF)

Raj Hulasare

Lundberg Family Farms experiences with heat treatment (30 min) (PDF)

Chad Brumit

Optimizing heat treatment (PDF)

Dr. Bh. Subramanyam

Session III. Heat treatment basics and applications

Determining heat energy requirements (PDF)

James Smith

Heat treatment checklists (PDF)

Ole Dosland

Empty bin heat treatments (PDF)

Mark Casada

Tactical/spot heat treatment (PDF)

James Smith

Miscellaneous heat treatment applications (PDF)

Vince LaMantia/Lance Gustafson

Experiences with heat treatment: Quaker Oats (PDF)

Grant Welton

Experiences with heat treatment: New World Pasta (PDF)

Tim Gyovai/Mike Hoar

Day 3: Friday, May 16, 2009

Session IV.  Assessing heat treatment effectiveness

Monitoring and assessing treatment efficacy: US perspective (PDF)

James Campbell

Monitoring and assessing treatment efficacy: An international perspective (PDF)

Paul Fields

Hal Ross Flour Mill heat treatment: Temperature profiles

Raj Hulasare

Predicting population rebounds following treatment (PDF)

Paul Flinn