Vadlani, Praveen


See my full list of Publications, Projects and Activities (PDF)

Oleaginous yeast: a value-added platform for renewable oils. 2015. Probst, K., L. Schulte, R. Durrett, M. Rezac, P. Vadlani. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, doi:10.3109/07388551.2015.1064855

Production of single cell oil from Lipomyces starkeyi ATCC 56304 using biorefinery byproducts. 2015. Probst, Kyle, Praveen Vadlani. Bioresource Technology, doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2015.09.018

Characterization of nutrients in carotenoid-enriched full fat soy flour and rice bran produced by red yeast fermentation. 2015. Nanjundaswamy, A., P. Vadlani. Journal of Food Chemistry and Nutrition, 3(1):1-11.

The investigation of virginiamycin-added fungal fermentation on the size and immunoreactivity of heat-sensitive soy protein. 2015. Chen, L., P. Vadlani, R. Madl, W. Wang, Y.C. Shi. International Journal of Polymer Science, ID 682596.

Lignins of bioenergy crops: a review. Guragain, Y., I. Alvaro, P. Vadlani, O. Prakash. 2015. Natural Product Communications, 10(1):201-208.

Lactic acid production from biomass-derived sugars via co-fermentation of Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus plantarum. 2015. Zhang, Yixing, Praveen Vadlani. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 119(6):694-699.

Effects of ultrasonic vibration-assisted pelleting on chemical composition and sugar yield of corn stover and sorghum stalk. 2015. Zhang, Q., P. Zhang, Z. Pei, F. Xu, D. Wang, P. Vadlani. Renewable Energy, 76:160-166.

Low-lignin mutant biomass resources: effect of compositional changes on ethanol yield. 2014. Guragain, Y., K. Ganesh, S. Bansal, R. Sai Sathish, N. Rao, P. Vadlani. Industrial Crops and Products, 61:1-8.

Delivery of antioxidants through fruits and vegetables in extruded foods. 2014. Alavi, S., F. Giannetta, A. Nanjundaswamy, R. Madl, P. Vadlani. Cereal Foods World, 59(4):179-185.

High efficiency removal of phytic acid in soy meal using two-stage temperature induced Aspergillus oryzae solid state fermentation. 2014. Chen, L., P.V. Vadlani, R. Madl. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 94(1):113-118.

A cost analysis for the densification and transportation of cellulosic biomass for ethanol production. 2014. Wilson, J., K. Theerarattananoon, T. Ballard, D. Wang, S. Staggenborg, L. McKinney. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 30(1):77-85.

Evaluation of pelleting as a pre-processing step for effective biomass deconstruction and fermentation. 2013. Guragain, Y.; Wilson, J.; Staggenborg, S.; McKinney, L.; Wang, D.; Vadlani, P.V. Biochemical Engineering Journal, DOI:10.1016/j.bej.2013.05.014.

Increased growing temperature reduces content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in four oilseed crops. 2013. Schulte, L.; Ballard, R.; Samarakoon, T.; Yao, L.; Vadlani, P. V.; Staggenborg, S.; Rezac, M. Industrial Crops and Products, 51:212-219.

Nutritional enhancement of soy meal via Aspergillus oryzae solid-state fermentation. 2013. Chen, L.; Vadlani, P.V.; Madl, R. Cereal Chemistry,

D-lactic acid biosynthesis from biomass-derived sugars via Lactobacillus delbrueckii fermentation. 2013. Zhang, Y.; Vadlani, P.V. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, DOI:10.1007/s00449-0130965-8.

Evaluation of pelleting as a pre-processing step for effective biomass deconstruction and fermentation. 2013. Guragain, Y.; Wilson, J.; Staggenborg, S.; McKinney, L.; Wang, D.; Vadlani, P.V. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 77:198-207.

High efficiency removal of phytic acid in soy meal using two-stage temperature induced Aspergillus oryzae solid state fermentation. 2013. Chen, L., Vadlani, P.V.; Madl, R. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, DOI:10.1002/jsfa.6209.

Impact of various storage conditions on enzymatic activity, biomass components and conversion to ethanol yields from sorghum biomass used as a bioenergy crop. 2013. Rigdon, A.; Jumpponen, A;, Vadlani, P.V.; Maier, D. Bioresource Technology, 132: 269-275.

Ethanol fermentation from food processing waste. 2012. Walker, K.; Vadlani, P.V.; Madl, R.; Ugorowski, P.; Hohn, K. Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy. DOI:10.1002/ep.11700

Impact of pelleting and acid pretreatment on biomass structure and thermal properties of wheat straw, corn stover, big bluestem, and sorghum stalk. 2012. Wilson, J.; Staggenborg, S.; McKinney, L.; Vadlani, P.V.; Pei, Z.; Wang, D. Transactions of the ASABE, 55(5):1845-1858.

A diploid wheat tilling resource for wheat functional genomics. 2012. Sehgal, R.; Joshi, A.; Rothe, N.; Wilson, D.; McGraw, N.; Vadlani, P.V.; Li, W.; Gill, B. BMC Plant Biology, 12:205

Soybean hulls pretreated using thermo-mechanical extrusion-hydrolysis efficiency, fermentation inhibitors and ethanol yield. 2012. Yoo, J.; Alavi, S.; Vadlani, P.V.; Behnke, K. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 166(3):576-589.

Effects of the pelleting conditions on chemical composition and sugar yield of corn stover, big bluestem, wheat straw, and sorghum stalk pellets. 2012. Theerarattananoon, K.; Xu, F.; Wilson, J.; Ballard, R.; McKinney, L.; Staggenborg, S.; Vadlani, P.V.; Pei, Z.; Wang, D. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 35(4):615-623.

Statistical optimization of hydrolysis process for banana peels using cellulolytic and pectinolytic enzymes. 2012. Oberoi, H.; Kaur, S.; Vadlani, P.V. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 90(2):257-265.

Effects of bacterial inoculants and an enzyme on the fermentation quality and aerobic stability of ensiled whole-crop sweet sorghum. 2012. Nkosi, B.; Vadlani, P.V.; Brijwani, K.; Ananda, N.; Meeske, R. S. African Journal of Animal Science, 42(3):232-240.

Thermo-mechanical Extrusion Pretreatment for Conversion of Soybean Hulls to Fermentable Sugars. 2011. Yoo, J.; Alavi, S.; Vadlani, P.V. Bioresource Technology, 102(16) :7583-7590.

Enhanced oil recovery by pre-treatment of mustard seeds using crude enzyme extract obtained form mixed-culture solid-state fermentation of kinnow (Citrus reticulata) waste and wheat bran. 2012. Oberoi, H.; Babbar, N.; Dhaliwal, S.; Kaur, S.; Vadlani, P.V.; Bhargav, V.; Patil, R. Food Bioprocessing Technology, 5(2):759-767.

Carotenoid value addition of cereal products by monoculture and mixed culture fermentation of Phaffia rhodozyma and Sporobolomyces roseus. 2011. Ananda, N.; Vadlani, P.V. Cereal Chemsitry, 88(5):467-472.

Experimental and theoretical analysis of a novel deep-bed solid-state bioreactor for cellulolytic enzymes production. 2011. Brijwani, K,; Vadlani, P.V.; Hohn, K.; Maier, D. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 58-59:110-123.

Cellulolytic Enzymes Production Via Solid-State Fermentation: Effect of Pretreatment Methods on Physiochemical Characteristics of Substrate. 2011. Brijwani, K.; Vadlani, P.V. Enzyme Research doi: 10.4061/2011/860134.

Ethanol Production from Banana Peels using Statistically Optimized Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation Process . 2011. Oberoi, H.; Vadlani, P.V.; Saida, L.; Bansal, S.; Hughes, J. Waste Management, 31(7): 1576-1584.

Enhanced Ethanol Production from Kinnow Mandarin (Citrus Reticulata) Waste Via a Statistically Optimized Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation Process. 2011. Overoi, H.; Vadlani, P.V.; Ananda, N.; Bansal, S.; Singh, S.; Kaur, S.; Babbar, N. Bioresource Technology, 102(2): 1593-1601.

Evaluation of Drought and Heat Stressed Grain Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor) for Ethanol Production. 2011. Ananda, N.; Vadlani, P.V.; Prasad, P. Industrial Crops and Products, 33(3): 779-782.

Physical Properties of Pellets Made from Sorghum Stalk, Corn Stover, Wheat Straw, and Big Bluestem. 2011. Theerarattananoon, K.; Xu, F.; Wilson, J.; Ballard, R.; McKinney, L.; Staggenborg, S.; Vadlani, P.V.; Pei, Z.; Wang, D. Industrial Crops and Products, 33(2): 325-332.

Substrates Influence Stimulatory Effect of Mevalonic Acid on Carotenoid Production in Red Yeasts. 2011. Ananda, N.; Vadlani, P.V. Cereal Chemistry 88(3): 310-314.

Enhanced ethanol production via fermentation of rice straw with hydrolysate-adapted Candida tropicalis. 2010. Oberoi, H.; Vadlani, P.V.; Brijwani, K.; Bhargav, K.; Patil, R. Process Biochemistry. 45(8): 1299-1306.

Rice Bran is an effective substitute for yeast extract in ethanol fermentation. 2010. Ananda, N.; Vadlani, P.V.; Madl, R. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 5(1): 70-74.

Enhanced oil recovery by pre-treatment of mustard seeds using crude enzyme extract obtained from mixed-culture solid-state fermentation of kinnow (citrus reticulate) waste and wheat bran. 2010. Oberoi, H.; Babbar, N.; Dhaliwal, S.; Kaur, S.; Vadlani, P.V.; Bhargav, V.; Patil, R. Food Bioprocess Technology, 5:759-767.

Ethanol production from orange peels: two stage hydrolysis and fermentation studies using optimized parameters through experimental design. 2010. Oberoi, H.; Vadlani, P.V.; Madl, R.; Saida, L.; Abeykoon, J. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 58(6): 3422-3429.

Production and optimization of carotenoid-enriched DDGS by Phaffia rhodozyma and Sporobolomyces roseus fermentation of whole stillage. 2010. Ananda, N.; Vadlani, P.V. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 37(11): 1183-1192.

Lipase-mediated hydrolysis of corn DDGS oil: Kinetics of linoleic acid production. 2010. Brijwani, K.; Vadlani, P.V. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 52(2):289-295.

Fungal laccases: production, function and applications in food processing. 2010. Brijwani, K.; Rigdon, A.; Vadlani, P.V. Enzyme Research, special issue: Enzymes as Additives or Processing Aids in Food Biotechnology, doi:10.4061/2010/149848.

Fiber reduction and lipid enrichment in carotenoid-enriched distillers dried grain with solubles (DDGS) by secondary fermentation of red yeasts. 2010. Ananda, N.; Vadlani, P.V. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 58(24): 12585-12591.

Bio-butanol vs. bio-ethanol: A technical and economic assessment. 2009. Pfromm, P.; Amanor-Boadu, V.; Nelson, R.; Vadlani, P.V. Biomass and Bioenergy. 34(4), p. 515-524.

Production of a cellulolytic enzyme system in mixed-culture solid-state fermentation of soybean hulls supplemented with wheat bran. 2009. Brijwani, K.; Oberoi, H.; Vadlani, P.V. Process Biochemistry. 45(1), p. 120-128.

A two-stage fermentation process: Production of propionate and acetate salt as road deicer from cheese whey. 2008. Vadlani, P.V.; Matthews, A. and Karr, G. Biological Engineering. 1(1): 95-104

Evaluation of UASB reactor performance during start-up operation using synthetic mixed acid waste. 2008. Vadlani, P.V.; Ramachandran, K. Bioresource Technology. 99(17): 8231-8236.

Low-cost propionate salt as road deicer: Evaluation of cheese whey and other media components. 2008. Vadlani, P.V.; Mathews, A. and Karr, G. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 24(6): 825-832

Aerobic production of isoamyl acetate by overexpression of the yeast alcohol acetyl-transferase AFT1 and AFT2 in Escherichia coli and using low-cost fermentation ingredients. 2008. Singh, R.; Vadlani, P.V.; Harrison, M.; Bennet, G. and San, K-Y. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. 31(4): 299-306.

Evaluation of influent composition and concentration in a batch reactor for effective start-up of the UASB reactors. 2008. Vadlani, P.V.; Ramachandran, K. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 134(12): 1023-1028.

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