
Principal Investigator

Dr. Praveen Vadlani - Gary and Betty Lortscher Associate Professor in Renewable Energy

Current Graduate Students

Kyle Probst - IGERT Fellow

Yixing Zhang - IGERT Associate

Jonathan Wilson

Yadhu Guragain

Post Doctoral Fellows

Jhinuk Gupta

Past Students

Liyan Chen, PhD 2013

Detoxification and Nutritional Enhancement of Soy Meal via Microbial Bioprocessing

Yixing Zhang, MS 2010

Production of Nitrogen-Based Platform Chemical: Cyanophycin Biosynthesis using Recombinant Escherichia coli

Sunil Bansal, MS 2010

Evaluation of Different Agricultural Biomass for Bioethanol Production

Achira Mukhopadhyay, MS 2009

Innovative Bioprocessing of Lignocellulosic Material for Value Added Product-Lactic Acid

Ananda Nanjunda, PhD 2010

Carotenoid Value Addition to Distiller's Dried Grain with Solubles by Red Yeast Fermentation

Khushal Brijwani, PhD 2010

Solid State Fermentation of Soybean Hulls for Cellululolytic Enzymes Production

Visiting Scientists

Prasanna Kankanala

Marina Marques

Shirley Agrupis - Borlaug Fellow

REU Students


Amanda Chura

Roger Cochrane

Garrett Meier


Akeem Obe

Alison DeNunzio


Evan Davis

Bethany Vosburgh